Sunday, September 16, 2007

Real Crazy Friday

Always up at six. In time for work at seven
Tick-tock-tick... In time for class at eight.

With my cell phone as alarm clock
Though time it turns back
Whenever power it lacks
Maybe a new battery it wants?

A common sight I'd become
The skinny brown woman,
Greeting children in the hall
Seems like having a ball!
"To the right, please.
One behind the other. there!
Isn't that better, third graders?”

But today I thought of getting up
(Though my cell phone said half past five)
For an urgent email I had in mind.
So I took my time in the shower
Whist there was a phone caller.
"Who's that prank caller?
It's too early to bother..."

I took my time in the kitchen.
I took my time on the computer.
Then I caught the time on the monitor--
Ten to eight. Que horror! I should correct this error.

So around the house I went
But clocks and watches all
Said ten to eight. Horror of horrors!
That's why there was a call.
It must have been the school
Checking on me. Cool!

(For everybody knows by the woods, I live alone.
Who knows? I could be cold and hard as stone!)

So I got dressed and drove in a flash
Whist into the road came Mr. Charles
And Mrs. Evans, both wide-eyed!
I rolled down the window and cried:
"I'm okay! My alarm clock just said
It was 5:30, so I dallied..."

Going 60 mph before eight
Still in time for class, that is.
"Sorry I worried you all
Just need a new battery, that's all."

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