Saturday, August 25, 2007

The woods are silent…

The woods are silent today
And the neighbor’s kids haven’t been out to play.
No running nor screaming,
No Chihuahua they should be chasing.

The woods are silent today
Though now and then the branches sway.
The leaves giggle when the west wind whispers.
At dusk and at dawn, the birds chatter.
And the neighbor’s kids haven’t been out to play
They must have been grounded for days
For their Chihuahua ran into the woods
Which was really no good.

The woods are silent today
Though now and then a bald eagle may
Hover up above like a boy’s lost kite
While a northern cardinal on my yard
Feeds on anything that delights its heart.
And the neighbor’s kids haven’t been out to play
For after their Chihuahua they couldn’t run
Knowing in the thicket that wouldn’t be fun
With its thick shrubs, poison ivy, and rattle snakes
They knew the risks, which they wouldn’t take.

The woods are silent today
Though now and then some deer do dare
Take a sneak peek at the world beyond
Though they scamper at the slightest sound.
And the neighbor’s kids haven’t been out to play
For their safety they chose to stay away
And leave their Chihuahua alone
When it wouldn’t come out from the danger zone.

The woods are silent today
Though now and then the ground seems to throb
For underneath, the heartless fire ants move like a mob,
Feasting on the children’s anxiety
Devouring the poor Chihuahua’s story.
For who knows the fate of a tiny four-legged
When into the woods it disappeared?

The woods are silent today
And the neighbor’s kids haven’t been out to play.

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