Saturday, September 02, 2023


North Pole melting,
Wildfires encroaching,
Chased by winds raging.

Heat waves roasting,
Wrathful tornadoes sucking,
Fuming hurricanes engulfing,
Like infuriated gods expelling
Humans out of Eden, for molesting,
Since 200,000 BCE, all plundering.

Bringing forth carcinogenic scabies:
Ozone holes, poisoned waters,
Coral bleaching, biota extinct,
And Pacific garbage patches.

But we turn a blind eye to our itches
For our voracious appetites remain
For speed, microplastics, furs and skins.
And now for unchecked AI and robotics,
Close at hand, the work of unscrupulous lunatics.
Never mind Mother Earth’s sweet revenge.

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