Monday, August 14, 2023

What We Leave Behind

Easter 1996: Odessa, Ukraine
From a stroll at the Black Sea, we trudged
Up Potemkin Stairs while one talked about
Battleship Potemkin between huffs.

At the top we were greeted
By Governor Richelieu in bronze.
Up north: Vorontsov Palace colonnade
Inscribed with lots of “… was here,”
So tempting to add “Lina was here,”
But I dared not leave that behind.

Summer 2023: Bow River, Alberta
Graffiti on concrete at Carburn Park,
Messages on bridges and rocks:
“Daddy loves you.”
“Zach was the killer.”
“Be kind. God loves us.”

A red cap, mismatched shoes at Pearce Estate,
Infant socks, a lone sandal at Edworthy Park,
Clothes, empty water bottles, empty cans,
Scattered rocks stained from fire
Likely for cooking last night’s dinner
For trout’s in the River all year.

Bow River is low but is home in summer,
As welcoming as parks and forests.
Who wouldn’t want to flow along,
Live for a season or two, leave for winter
Along with wintering feathered friends,
And leave what we leave?

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