Saturday, May 20, 2023

Victoria Weekend 2023

When this cloudy city seems empty
With everyone catching some Zs
Or still asleep in campers or tents
Away from forest fires and fears,
To Elliston Park I go with my lens
Where the lake is just as empty
Except for two silent mergansers.
Among the dandelions, a northern flicker,
On green, green grass, blackbirds and robins,
One showing off his fat, wiggling catch.
Up the trees, cheery red-winged blackbirds.
Across the sleeping street, wetland
With a cacophony of songs and calls,
Squeaks, croaks and whistles,
Squawks, grunts and clicks.
From yellow-headed blackbirds
Like acrobats on poles and tattered cattails,
From house finches up fences and bare trees,
From coots and geese munching in the marsh,
While the lone stiff-tailed duck keeps watch,
From grackles in trance-like gaze at the clouds
Praying to Anthus, Garuda, Horus, Kukulcan,
Or Troth, to put out Alberta’s raging wildfires.   
 Merganser Robin

Northern Flicker

 American Coot

 Stiff-Tailed Duck


 Canada Geese

 Common Grackle Female Blackbird

 Red-Winged Blackbird

 Yellow-Headed Blackbird

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