Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Word of the Day: as·i·nine

/ˈasəˌnīn/ adjective. extremely stupid or foolish. "Lydia ignored his asinine remark" (Google)

My example: I felt completely asinine when after feeling insulted by a store’s security guard, I vowed to go back and ask him, “Did you really think I could steal a box of water guns? Do I look like a thief to you? Why do you check the receipts of colored people but not of others?” I was fuming mad like a bull ready to charge at a matador. Then came the moment for me to say the lines I’d practiced over and over again from the parking lot to the store’s entrance. The guard stepped towards me with a limp, and I saw an old, tired and worn-out face. “Hello. Nice hat,” he said. I smiled at him and entered the store, forgetting about my vow. MLJ/12/06/2022

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