Thursday, October 06, 2022

What the app!!! (Or when a four-year-old is smarter than moi)

“You have to say, ‘Hey, Google,’” said the four-year-old girl I was babysitting one summer day. We were leaving for the park nearby, so I was turning off all the lights but couldn’t figure out how to turn off the music when I couldn’t see any radio, stereo, smart TV or iPhone around. Just a single speaker without any buttons or cord on the corner table in the living room! So I started mumbling to myself: “How do you turn the music off?” That was when the little girl responded as she patiently waited for me at the door: “You have to say, ‘Hey, Google!’”

“And then what?”

Pause. “I don’t know.”

I thought she knew everything…

“Hey, Google! Turn off the music, please,” I finally said and it worked, of course. Jeez! I felt so technologically inept despite using computers since the 80s!

And there are smart stoves and refrigerators in other homes, too, to which my traditional self is not interested in interacting. They reminded me of a third grader who said, “My father told me that I don’t have to be smart or hardworking because there’s an app for everything.”

“So what’s the app if all power and electronics are gone one day?”

“I don’t know… What, Miss J.?”

“Your brains and your muscles. Those are the real apps, the most reliable apps that will save your life one day.” MLJ/06/10/2022/WhatTheApp!!!    

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