Sunday, May 29, 2022

Cirque du Soleil

Can’t afford a ticket? Scared of an unmasked crowd? Just enjoy the tiny acrobats outside your window. The squirrel scurrying on the power lines, down the post then onto an evergreen branch. The pair of pigeons taking one sidestep at a time as the female inches away each time the male pecks on her, then flying onto the roof across the dirt road where they’d chase each other and wrestle. The female usually proudly strutting away… The northern flickers and crows balancing themselves on deciduous tree branches. The sparrows and house finches prancing on the wooden fence. The magpie noisily chasing a robin in the backyard. The squirrel triangulating the yard for the nuts it stashed away last fall and voila! Now it’s on the fence, hastily nibbling a peanut while flickering its tail to and fro. The constant haste and speed and incessant chirps and tweets. The gliding across the clear blue sky now decked with hues of greens, reds and yellows. The scampering and scuttling on the green grass. For now, these are your simple pleasures. Cirque du Soleil can wait. MLJ/29/05/2022Uncertainties

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