Sunday, June 10, 2007

On catching a scurry squirrel…

Maggie said she couldn't catch scurry squirrels with her lens,
for they're furtive, stealthy, sneaky.
deceivingly funny, i’d say.
for one day when i opened the back door,
this one scurried up a tree and froze, as if he wasn't there.
so i turned ‘round for my camera
while he scurried down the tree and froze in a corner.
and as he busily nibbled his sweet find, i zoomed in and pressed the shutter.
SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! caught and trapped in a flash!
then i moved furtively closer, knowing i could lose him yonder
but i mistakenly stepped on crisp leaves,
so he scurried away again and stopped on top of a fence,
couldn’t wait to finish his sweet find, no offense.
but he was really no match to a stealthy finger and sneaky eyes.
i thought ho ho ho! i’m just like you: furtive, stealthy, sneaky...
deceivingly funny.


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