Friday, August 16, 2024

The High Seas (Thanks to NETFLIX.)


Our Planet / High Seas / NETFLIX 

“The deep sea plains cover more than half the Earth’s surface, and yet we now more about the surface of the Moon.”

“Blue fin tuna are not the only ones in peril. Decades of unsustainable fishing have left many fish stocks in serious decline. A third have collapsed altogether. Plastic pollution is a grave issue for the oceans, but industrial overfishing is far more dangerous. If we continue to harvest the seas this way, it’s not just fisheries that will collapse. The whole ocean system could follow.”

“One hundred million sharks are killed every year, just to make shark fin soup.”

“We now know that a healthy community of great hunters, whales, dolphins, tuna, and sharks, is essential for a fully-functioning ocean. And a functioning ocean is vital to the health of our planet and humanity.”  

“…But during that time, we have done more harm to the oceans that ever before in human history. Only with global cooperation will our oceans recover and thrive once again… Now, it is time to save our oceans.” Support Sustainable Fisheries Sustainable Seafood Means Healthy Oceans Make Your Plate Ocean-Friendly

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