Saturday, August 17, 2024

Jungles (Thanks to NETFLIX.)

Our Planet / Jungles / NETFLIX

“In the last 50 years, Borneo has lost over half of its jungle. And it’s even worse on the neighboring islands of the Philippines. Here, 90 percent of the primary rain forest has gone.”

“But today, the diversity of the world’s rain forests is falling at an alarming rate, and that is because of us. We have now replaced up to 27 million hectares of virgin jungle with a single species of tree. This is oil palm, one of the world’s most productive crops… and it is pushing many animals to extinction.”

“It’s now estimated that we lose 100 orangutans every week from human activity… In the last four decades, the pristine lowland jungle that orangutans depend on has declined by a staggering 75 percent. Across the world, we are losing tropical forest at the rate of nearly 15 million hectares every year, and with it, the planet’s treasure trove of diversity. Jungles store and capture more carbon than any other habitat on land. They cool our planet, provide food and medicines. We lose them at our peril."

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