Thursday, June 20, 2024

A Meandering Career - RIP Donald Sutherland


I thought I had a “meandering” career, too, but after 37 years of moving back and forth from ESL for children and adults, Comm. Arts, Special Education, Montessori Education, to public elementary school teaching, I have nothing but gratitude for the places I’ve been, friends I’ve made, and lives I’ve been privileged to witness change for the better – local, immigrant, or refugee. I’ve been truly blessed to have the best teachers from day 1 at Gotamco Elementary School to my last days at the University of Sto. Tomas, revising my thesis using a portable typewriter, under the advisership of the late Dr. Ophelia Alcantara Dimalanta. It has been a life well-lived, whether there was little or enough, whether it’s my final curtain or 20 years more, as AI estimated based on my current lifestyle. It doesn’t really matter now, does it? MLJ/20062024

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